How To Make Your Cheap Car Subwoofer Louder and Have More Bass

If you want your car subwoofer to be heard down the road, then you have come to the right place. This car audio website contains many different articles to get your the most of your system. You don't always have to spend alot of money on an car audio system, to get good loud sound. I have seen several cheap car subwoofers out perform expensive JL audio systems. This is because the enclosure is more important than the car subwoofer itself. The enclosure has the most impact on how your bass sounds and what type of response you get from your car bass speaker. An ported enclosure, also known as vented provides the loudest type of sound, the vent if tuned high around the 35 to 40 hz region will give you an boom type of bass. If you want deep earth shaking bass then and enclosure tuned to 30 HZ would be optimal, making it great for rap songs. Ported enclosure must be designed to the specification of your car subwoofer. The box has to have the correct internal volume in order for the car speaker to perform. Sealed boxes are good for sound quality, but if you want to be loud and still have decent sound quality, an custom ported box is the way to go.

Fine tune the car audio settings on the car stereo and car amplifier. The car stereo itself if aftermarket, will have an bunch of features. Things such such as an car equaliser will allow you to fine tune the bass frequencies to your liking, upping the bass response. Also ensure that the low pass filter is switched on the car amplifier and set to 80 HZ. The gain must be tuned accordingly and not just turned up, slowly turn it up and stop until you hear an drop in sound quality from the sub. You can also bridge the output on your car amplifier if its an two channel amplifier. This will double the power rms output of your car amplifier for more bass. Check the specifications online for the car amplifier make and model you are using to find out what ohm stable your amp is and if it supports bridging. Then depending on your car subwoofer coils, wire to the lowest ohm the car amp supports for the best sound and loudness.

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