How To Connect Two Car Amplifiers Together

If you are wanting to install multiple car amps together in your car audio system then you will need to know what the best way is to connect them. Now you might want to know how to connect two car amps together if your are adding a second for another subwoofer or for the front and rear speakers. Today you will lean the different ways you can connect 2 amps together to see which one would work the best for your situation. Method one provides the best sound quality, as it reduces buzzing and humming sounds since its known to provided the cleanest type of signal. If you require diagrams let us know and we will upload them shortly.

Method 1 (Connecting Directly From the RCA outputs on the CD player). All aftermarket stereos have separate ones for front, rear and subwoofers. So in total you can add three individual RCA cables one into the bass amp and the two others can be used for the vocals amp. This is the best way that i recommend because it provides you with the full control to adjust the amps from the front of your car.

Method 2 (Using RCA Splitters). They are adapters that are used to split the signal into two. Each RCA cable coming from the car stereo will require its own splitter cable. Then one end of the RCA cable can go into one input on the amp and the remaining can go into the input on the second amp. This method is cost effective and works great with high to low converter boxes.

Method 3 (Directly From the first amp to the Second). So basically what you are doing is using a short double ended RCA lead from the first amp, connecting it into the RCA outputs found on itself into the RCA inputs on the second amp. So you are jumpering the connections from amp to amp, you are not running any long cables from the deck to the back. This also works great and it saves you installation time because you don't have to take plastic trim panels apart and run extra wires down your vehicle.

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