How To Fix Car Stereo That Shuts Off When Volume is Turned Up High

If you have fitted a car stereo into your vehicle and it turns off when played too loud at high volumes this can cause reliability issues. There are many possible causes to why your car radio can shut off at high volume, so it cant be ruled out just like that. Usually there are two main causes either a short or voltage problems with the electrical system. When the CD player recognises this it places itself into protection mode to prevent it getting damaged from overload. Today this guide will help you with fixing your car stereo that shuts off at high volumes without having to pay the checking and repair costs from a audio shop.

1) Ensure good power and ground connections. This is what makes the radio function and power on, if they are loose or weak it will not make proper contact. Therefore, causing the car stereo to cut out when pushed to its limits.

2) Short with the speakers. This can happen if any types of speaker wires are touching together or if a particular speaker is faulty, as it can trigger the radio to go into protection mode. Best way would be to disconnect each speaker from the four channels on the wiring harness with the volume up all the time. If your have found a short in the speaker wiring or speaker, you will notice that the CD player can now play at high volumes without cutting out.

3) Voltage drop issues. If you have installed a aftermarket stereo it will be more powerful than the factory radio that came already installed into your car. So you may have a weak battery that can't push enough volts and amps when it demands it at high volumes. The best car audio battery that is widely used is a yellow top optima battery because of its deep cycle technology, it can hold charge for longer and withstand cold climate conditions.

4) Overheating. If there is not enough room right behind were the car stereo slots into this can cause overheating issues to occur. You might notice this if you feel that your radio gets hot really quickly. The best way to overcome this would be to push all the wires right to the back and perhaps install a additional cooling fan to get rid of the excessive heat. You could also try cleaning the vents on the sides and back of the radio to help heat get out more easily.
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