How To Fix Low Aux Input Volume On Car Stereo With Your Smartphone

make aux louder on your car stereo

If your car stereo has an aux input you can plug in an aux cable with your smartphone phone being either an iphone or android and play music. Most of the time the sound quality is good using this type of connection method, however sometimes you might notice that you get a low aux input volume on your car stereo. Some phones might be very loud and clear and others may be muffled and distorted, since it all depends on the internal amplifier and DAC onboard. If you want to fix your music sounding too low when using an aux input in your car, then you can use a mini headphone amplifier. The one that we recommend is the Fiio E6, its small compact and provides a great boost in making your aux line more louder. It also has bass settings, so if your car has good speakers from the factory like Bose or Harmon Kardon, then you will also notice alot more subwoofer kind of bass. You could use an enhancment music player such as Poweramp with an equalizer and preamp boosters, but it just makes the sound distorted which is why an portable headphone amp is the better choice.

fiio e6 headphone amp

Overall, connecting an headphone amplifier with your car stereo will clean up the sound and make it more fun as well as being more louder.

1) The headphone amplifier should come supplied with a min aux cable.

2) Plug one end of the cable into the aux input on the car stereo and the other end into the headphone output socket on the headphone amp.

3) You also want to connect a mini USB charging lead into the amp and plug it into a cig socket with a USB adapter. This will keep it constantly charged up all the time so that the battery doesn't drain out on long drives.

4) Use a second aux cable and connect your phone to the headphone amplifier by plugging it into the input socket followed by connecting the other end into your phone.

5) Now that you are all wired up ready for the road, ensure that the volume is full on the smartphone before distortion, now you can switch the amp on.  Adjust the bass booster settings and volume from this now.

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