If you have an old tape deck in your car, you might be wondering how to connect or use a car cassette adapter for your iphone or ipod. Interms of how a car cassette adapter works, it can transfer any audio signal given by a 3.5mm jack and play it through your car speakers. Its simple, cheap and far more cost effective instead of replacing the stock factory radio with an aftermarket CD Player. You can get a cheap car cassette adapter from Maplin, Asda, PC World, Halfords or Amazon. Its literally plug and play since its not hard to setup due to how its designed. Do cassette adapter works in all cars? Yes they do if yours is not working you might need to replace it as it might be a defect from the factory.
Instructions On How To Use a Car Cassette Adapter For Your Iphone Or Ipod:
1) Power on the tape deck.
2) Insert the cassette adapter into the stereo. It will automatically put itself into play mode.
3) Connect the 3.5mm jack (The wire coming from the iphone car cassette adapter) and plug it into the headphone socket found on your apple branded device or other smartphone.
4) The sound will now be playing through your entire car stereo via your iphone through using your car cassette adapter. Its not really hard at all to use a car cassette adapter for your iphone or ipod at all.