How To Make a Car Radio Work Without an Antenna

car radio antenna

Will my Car Radio Work Without an Antenna?

If you dont have a working or connected antenna available to your car radio, you can still listen to the FM channels. You can make a modification so that your car chassis acts as an antenna, so that any radio signal reflects onto the metal body of the car. This means no big aerials hanging outside your car and still get almost full reception signal. Here instructions on if you want to make your car stereo work without no antenna.

1) Remove the car headunit from the vehicles dashboard din slot.

2) Find the black ground wire on the wiring harness. This basically connects right to the car metal chassis inorder for the CD player to power on.

3) Now you need to make the connection with the car radio coax plug. Simply cut off the wire in the middle, unstrip and connect it with the ground wire. Once you have done that cover it up with plastic insulation tape and plug it into the radio.

4) Press the 'RADIO' button and search for a station. You should get a decent range of reception coming into the stereo.

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