How To Fix Car Stereo Not Powering On No Display

A car stereo is the most important component in an car audio setup, without it the car amplifier and associated car speakers are none functional. If your car stereo that you have recently installed is not working, then this guide should help you get power to your car stereo again. The first thing that you should check is the fuse. Usually, there are two fuses one that protects the radio itself, found on the back of the radio, sometimes can only be seen when you remove the wiring harness. The other fuse protects the 12 volt circuit that provides power to the radio itself. A fuse can blow, if an short circuit happens, such as an wire making contacting with another wire on the back of the radio, or an fuse that is too small of an amp rating. You always need to make sure that you use the correct fuse the radio is rated for and what the fuse box diagram states for the vehicle. Incorrect amp fuses, may not protect equipment or circuits if something does go wrong at some point. Often this happens by previous vehicle owners, when they are lazy enough to get the correct amp fuse from there local parts store and use what is laying around.

The first thing that you should consider if your car stereo is not powering on, is to locate the vehicles fuses. Usually, there will be an fuse box in the engine bay and another within the vehicle somewhere, such as behind the glove box, or in the trunk area. If you still have your user handbook, find the contents page and find an page dedicated for fuses. Once you have found it, locate the fuse panel, you may have to pop off an plastic panel, you can do this with an flat head screwdriver. There are many fuses within the panel which may leave you confused, however each fuse has its own unique number. The radio fuse will be identified by an number in the handbook, all you have to do is find the same number in the fuse box. To remove the fuse from the fuse box, get some needle nose pliers and gently pull it out. 

To identify if an fuse is blown, it is very simple. Hold it up in direct sun light, look in the middle there will be an small wire inside. Is this wire broken or snapped in anyway? Is there any smoke that indicates it has blown? If yes, you have found the cause to your car stereo not powering on. When the fuse breaks the circuit is no longer valid. Replace the blown fuse with an brand new fuse of the correct rating and your car stereo will be powering on now.

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