How To Fix Android Car Stereo No Sound Coming From Car Speakers

Have you recently fitted and installed an cheap Chinese android radio in your car? If you have got power with the ignition thats an good start, but today we are going to look into troubleshooting no sound from your cheap android car stereo. Android radios are often cheap and cheerful and for most people that don't want to spend all there salary on an pioneer double din car stereo are an good alternative. The build quality with the cheap android radios are not very good, often have an slow operating system and don't fit correctly in the dash. You have to be an bit creative and make something out of it. Over the years, I have installed several car audio android radios into various vehicles. Some android radio installations have been brilliant and some have not. I have noticed that sometimes an android car stereo can have no sound coming out of the car speakers. This is common, don't panic, we will be able to get the sound working on your cheap android radio.

The first thing to make sure is, if the speaker wires are connected correctly. The speaker wires on android radios will be coloured in pairs of green, green with an stripe, purple, purple with an stripe, white, white with an stripe and grey, grey with an stripe. Four channels both rear and front. You need to ensure that these are connected to the factory speaker wires, can't say which colours they are as they manufacturers use random colours. Some android radios are often plug and play but often not, because of there cheapness. You will have to do research and find online diagrams for your vehicle and stereo to find the correct speaker wires. Sometimes your vehicle may have an hidden factory car amplifier under the seat or hidden behind the carpet in the trunk area. You may need an special harness for your android radio to work with this setup, or you may have bought the wrong radio for your vehicles wiring.

If you confirmed that the speakers wire from the android radio are connected correctly to the factory wiring, then you will need to perform an hard reset on the radio. The android operating system installed can sometimes have corrupted files. This can happen out of the factory due to there cheap design or if you have unplugged the wiring harness connector from the back of the radio, when the radio was still powered on. Nearly, all android radios will have an hidden reset push in style button found within an hole on the front of the unit. While the car stereo is powered on, insert an pin and push down this button for five seconds and release it. During this procedure, the car stereo screen will flicker on and off and this will reset the android radio to factory settings. This in most cases should restore no sound coming from the car speakers. 

If your android car stereo still has no sound coming from the car speakers, then the audio IC chip inside is probably blown or an defect. You can blow this audio chip if the speakers wires on the back of the radio have been short circuited together. This will damage it. The best solution is to replace the android radio with an brand new unit.

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