How To Fix Car Stereo That Has No Power But No Sound

If you notice that your car stereo is getting power but no sounding is coming from the speakers you will need to start troubleshooting. This car audio problem can be unquestionable most of the time and it is hard to say what the cause of no sound coming from the headunit could be. Most people would take it to an electrical car audio technicain shop, however you could also repair this yourself with the right set of information and guidance that will be provided. Before you proceed any further with the provided troubleshooting steps, ensure that the volume on the car stereo is not muted accidentally.

1) The wiring harness on the back of the radio could be loose. Remove your car stereo from the dashboard using din tools and pull it out of the slot. Ensure that the plug is firmly pushed into the back of the radio.

2) There could be a small short some were along the wiring or the speaker. A short can happen if the speaker magnet is touching the back of the doors metal or if speakers wires are touching each other. So check all the wiring that goes to all of the speakers both from the doors and the back of the wiring hardness plug. The best way to check which speaker is causing the short is to disconnect all of them one by one until you hear sound.

3) Could be a problem with external amplifiers. If you have your car door speakers running from a 4 channel amp check that its getting power. Also check that the RCA cables running down the car are properly plugged into the sockets on the amp and stereo.

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