How To Update To The Latest Firmware On Pioneer Car Stereo

You might want to update the firmware to the latest software version on your Pioneer car stereo for improved performance and fix any problems that occurred previously. Its works the exact same way as how you would update your smartphone, ipod or games console. If you CD Player is working fine, you don't always need to update the firmware on your Pioneer car stereo unless you want to as is optional. If a good local customers comes into the shop we don't charge for the update process, as it a very easy that anybody at home can do.

You can check if there are any updates on this website. It will show you when it was released and the version number. Now its ideal to check what firmware version you have on your current car stereo, as you might already have the latest version out of the box if you have just recently purchased it.

Here is how to check the firmware version:

1) Press the Home button.

2) Find the system settings screen.

3) Click Firmware Information it will now be displayed on screen.

Once you have identified there is a available update to download, you will need to save it onto a USB Flash Stick that is at least 2 GB and is formatted to FAT 32. Some key points to make clear is not to it off turning installing the update or unplug the USB stick from the slot when its not complete. This will interrupt the firmware update process and could damage the radios operating system all together and brick the device turning it into a $1000 dollar paper weight.

Here is how to update to the latest firmware on your Pioneer car stereo:

1) Find the model of your stereo from the list and click the 'Firmware Update Link'.

2) Your internet browser should automatically start downloading the files.

3) They will be placed into a .zip format to compress them to make the file smaller. You will need to use software such as winrar or 7 Zip to extract them onto the root of your USB stick. 

4) Once the files have been copied over click on the option on your computer to safely remove the device. You don't want to corrupt the update files.

5) Plug the Flash Drive into the USB port on the car stereo you want to update.

6) Select System Information and Firmware Update.

7) It will ask you to confirm if you want to proceed or not and if you have the correct update file. What you want to do is press the confirm button to go further to the next step.

8) It may bring up a warning message on screen about the update could damage the system telling you want you shouldn't do during it taking place as safety precautions. Once you have read them all and have a good understanding then press start.

7) It will show you a screen that says updating with a bar that shows the percentage of progression. It will notify you when its done saying that it is successful and that its ok to remove the USB storage device from the headunit upon completion.

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