How To Fix Car Stereo That Wont Turn On After Battery Change

If after a car battery change your car stereo wont turn on this could be because of a short circuit. When you make the switch, sometimes the sparks can occur from the wires you connect onto the metal terminal posts blowing a fuse out. If its not the fuse, then its most likely the car radio that requires a security code. All manufacturers apply this to add an extra layer of security, so that if it is ever stolen it will not be usable at all. You should have the security code written down or printed on some paper work that came with your car to reset it. If you can't find it, you will have to get it from the dealership which you purchased the car from, they may be a charge for this.

Instructions to help you check for a blown fuse:

1) Find the fuse box location in your car. The two common place are near the glovebox or underneath the drivers side compartment. Its best to refer to the user guide if you have it handy.

2) Look for the fuse labelled as 'Radio/Stereo Power' or something similar on the back of the plastic panel.

3) Pull the fuse out to remove it. Look in the middle of it to see if the wire is broken. If it is the fuse is blown and will need to be replaced exactly with the one that is the same amps in size.

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