How To Fix Car Door Speaker Making Vibrating Sound Problem

car speaker sound deadening

When you increase the bass in the front door speakers or upgrade them with aftermarket ones, you will notice that the speaker vibrations is more apparent in the doors. This can make annoying rattling plastic kind of noises when the bass is heard. This can have an negative impact on the sound quality of your car audio system. The best way to resolve this common car audio problem to stop the car speaker making a vibrating sound is to use sound deadening material. This is applied onto the metal panel that is found behind the door card. This stops vibrations from car speakers because it absorbs the sound waves stopping them being transferred onto the metal panels. It also stop unwanted outside road noise so it stops little details in your music getting lost at low volume. Some good brands to look out for are Dynamat and secondskin sound deadener, they make good quality products that have had great reviews in the past by ourselves.

1) Get a flat head screwdriver to pry off any plastic tabs that are hiding any screws that are holding down the door card.

2) Using a Philips head screwdriver, remove the screws of the door card and place them into a plastic container so that they are easily obtainable later on. You don't want to loose a screw.

3) Now carefully lift off the door card, watch out for the wires that connect into the window switches and unplug any connectors. Push the door card upwards and place it to one side.

4) You are ready to apply the sound deadening material. Peel the sound deadening material sheet into two halfs.

5) With the glue side facing down, place the sound deadening material onto the metal panel of the door. You might want to customise it slightly with a blade to help form the shape of the metal. Once you have finished cutting of the edges, go over it with a roller to flatten it down to ensure it sticks.

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