How To Clean Dirty Car Speakers Cones and Grills

Car speakers are made from all kinds of materials that are prone to collect dust. The most prone areas are the speaker cone, the centred dust cap and the rubber outer surround. Now when it comes to cleaning car speaker cones, you need to know the correct way, in proper cleaning can cause rips and tears damaging your speaker. You also might want to clean the mesh speaker grill that protects the car speaker because the holes could be blocked with dirt particles, which can also have an effect on the sound being muffled slightly. The three main things you will need to clean a dirty car speaker is a soft brush, a can of compressed air and a vacuum cleaner. The type of brush you need has to have soft bristles, so a paint brush or a china bristle brush would be ideal for this situation. Also please don't use any cleaning liquids, as speakers are not designed for this and it can damage the mechanical parts.

Cleaning the speaker grill

1) Remove the speaker grill from the car speaker by removing the screws and unclipping it off.

2) Get a can of compressed air and blast it in the direction of the grill holes, dusting off the dust as you go along.

3) Use the vacuum to finalise the cleaning to suck up any remaining dust and dirt that is floating.

Cleaning the car speaker driver

1) Wipe down the speaker cone carefully with a soft microfiber cloth. Remember don’t apply any pressure directly onto the cone as you could damage it or tear it if it’s made from paper or plastic. Make sure when cleaning that you don't accidentally dent or push down the middle dust cap, so avoid that area if you can.

2) Connect the nozzle attachment to your vacuum cleaner. Switch it on and aim it towards the speaker cone.

3) Using your preferred brush, dust off the particles on the speaker cone in the direction of the nozzle so that they get sucked away.  Do this all around the cone until its fully cleaned.
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