How To Take Off & Remove Speaker Magnet For Scrap Value

Sometimes what the speaker is made out is worth more than the resale value of the item. Stirpping it for parts such as taking off the magnet and selling it to a scrap yard can make you a few quid if you know what you are doing as the prices are very high. This is because it contains special metals such as nickel or aluminium that can be used to make other things and there is such as high demand for them at the moment. We had a load of dead blown subwoofers laying around the shop floor. We thought just for fun lets see what we could get at the local scrappy with some old magnets removed from some old Alpine, Pioneer and JBL subs we had. We got a whopping £60 quid or around $100 dollars for some old rubbish that was collecting dust and was meaining less to say the very least. Totally worth it was, however the removal process of taking off the magnets was a bit challenging but fun at the same time. You will help with recycling as well, so its totally worth it for you and the environment you live in. Also i want to point out that please don't use any kind of metal hammer to bash it in because this will make it less powerful as it will reduce its strength energy. They only ones that are recommend are the rubber mallet ones as they don't interfere with the magnetic fields.

1) If the speaker is placed inside an enclosure you want to remove it from there.

2) Start by removing the cone material in the middle of the basket. This can be done by cutting an circle using a sharp blade just around the dust cap. Or if you are not going to reuse anything from it, if its paper you can just rip it out using your hands.

3) Now to soften up the glue that holds them in place, a heat gun will be required as its an essential tool for this job. Heat up the middle area for around 5 minutes.

4) Using a chisel, apply slight force along the outer edge of the magnet and tap it down using a rubber mallet hammer. You can use a metal one if you not so bothered about using them again and just want to weigh them in for scrap value. They should move apart and the speaker magnet should come of the back of it.

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