How To Add Resistor To Car Audio Speaker

If you have a car amplifier that is more powerful than the speakers you want to power, you can add a resistor inline with the (+) wire to reduce the watts it receives. This will help reduce the chances of overpowering the voice coil and damaging it that results in a blown speaker. What most people do is turn the gain down on the amp to overcome this, but this method is far more effective and provides that extra safety barrier. The reason why this method works is because it adds an extra impedance load. For example, it will transform any basic car 4 ohm speaker into a higher 8 ohm. Now selecting which resistor you require will depend on how much power you are going to run, you can work this out by using the color code bands on it. When connecting a resistor, it usually halfs the rms watts the amp is providing, so if its a 2 channel amp rated at 100 rms each, you add resistors to both speakers, they will be get a healthy 50 watts rms.

1) Solder one leg of the resistor onto the positive metal terminal found on the speaker.

2) Solder speaker wire onto the remaining leg coming from the resistor.

3) Connect a negative speaker wire onto the (-) terminal found on the speaker.

4) Attach both the positive and negative speakers wires to a source of power such as an car amplifier or stereo.

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