How To Connect a Car Bass Shaker Under The Seat

If your subwoofer system is not powerful enough to move lots of air, then you can connect a bass shaker under your seat to simulate an 30,000 watt system with a 100 watt sub. This basically shakes the seat in pulse of the beat of the music and only comes into play when the bass is playing. So a bass shaker installed into your car audio system will provide that extra punch and impact. The best place that we recommend to the customers that come to our car audio shop is underneath the seats. This is because you can feel the vibrations the best and also its out of the way so it can't be seen keeping things stealthy. Now the best bass shaker for any car audio system is by Aura and if you want more vibrations you can add as many as you like. Most setups that we do only contain one, but if you want to get crazy bass vibrations that will make your teeth fall out then you can install three.

Now one important thing to make clear is that you need an external amp to get the best of them. You can connect them to your car stereo, however they won't get the output they are rated for. Also they won't be playing timely with the bass, since there will be no direct LPF setup so that it only plays 80 HZ and below. Its best to have a separate amp for the bass shakers to have maximum control of them at any given point, so that it doesn't interfere with mids and highs and subwoofer.

1) Mount the bass shaker underneath the seat by drilling a couple of holes and insert screws into the wooden frame. You could also use some strong double side tape if you don't want to make permanent modifications to the seats.

2) The bass shaker will have two connections just like you find on a regular speaker. So connect two speaker wires onto the terminals.

3) Connect the positive speaker wire into the (+) terminal channel on the amp and also connect the other negative wire into the (-) into the same output.

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