How Do You Know If a Car Subwoofer is Blown?

When you are buying second hand subwoofers and speakers, its very important to know how to tell if the voice coil is blown. If it is the subwoofer is basically a paper weight that is pretty much useless. A subwoofer can be blown due to overpowering it, sending power using a car amp that it is not rated for. You can fix a blown car subwoofer, but it can become a costly repair and can sometimes work out more than what the actual speaker is worth. We sometimes get customers sell us their old car audio subwoofers for a trade in price for some new stuff. These are the top tips in this article that we always go by to ensure that we are purchasing a working product.

Ways to tell without testing the subwoofer on an amp:

1) Press the cone down. Gently press down in the middle area of the cone pushing it downwards. If the speaker is not blown, you will notice a flexible movement and the cone will go back up. If the sub is blown, then the movement will most likely be really stiff and won't move at all. This is the first symptom that we go by this can rule out immediately if the subwoofer is blown.

2) Check the color of the coil. Look through the gaps found underneath the metal basket. Use a flash light and point it towards the voice coil. If the coil is in good shape and is not blown it should be a nice shiny coper color. If the speaker is blown, the coil will be frozen and the coil will be black. 

3) Sense of smell. Smell around the middle area of the speaker and underneath the speaker with your nose. If you notice an electrical burnt kind of smell, this is another symptom indicating the subwoofer is blown.

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