How To Connect Two Subwoofers To a Monoblock Car Amplifer

A monoblock amplifier is specifically designed to provide one big output for one subwoofer. These types of amplifiers can be only used for subs and not for front or rear speakers due to its limitations on how many channels it contains, as well as being too powerful. However, you can still connect two car subwoofers together directly to a monblock amp, for example 2 X 12 inch subs single or dual voice coil. The only alternations you will have to make is to the speaker wiring configuration. Now there are all sorts of different ways you can connect your subs to the monoblock amp. The best is to use the method provided in this guide because it provides a nice low stable ohm load impedance. This means that you will get the best possible power out of amplifier due to lower electrical resistance.

Now the procedure is very easy and not so complicated as it sounds. Here is a useful diagram that shows you have to connect two subwoofers to a monoblock amp. Literally it takes you around 5 minutes to complete and remember to use the thick gauge wiring according to the amount of watts the voice coils are going to be pushed at.

1) Connect two sets of red positive speaker wires into the (+) terminal on the amp

2) Connect two sets of black negative speaker wires into the (-) terminal on the amp.

3) Attach one red wire into the (+) terminal on one subwoofer. Connect the remaining positive wire into the (+) plus terminal on the second subwoofer

4) Attach the black wire into the (-) terminal on one subwoofer and connect the other remaining black wire into the (-) terminal on the second subwoofer. So now the two subwoofers will be connected to the monoblock amplifier using one connection.
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