How To Fix Car Speakers That Dont Work In Cold Weather

Sometimes a car audio system can be weather dependent. If you live in some part of the world that provides a cold climate, sometimes you might notice that your car speakers wont work. Now its very hard to say what could be causing this problem without an actual physical inspection at our car audio workshop. This problem can happen because water can pour inside the door when it rains, getting into the back of the speaker. If the temperature drops below freezing point it that could freeze the voice coil. Then when you play music for a small while the coil will loosen up and break free. The car speaker will then begin to start working properly again once it has opened up. Sometimes what can happen is the speaker gets permanently frozen and you will need to fix it manually.

1) Locate the speaker that doesn't work. Play a track and place the volume on your in the middle area on your car stereo and listen to each speaker to play. The one that doesn't work is frozen.

2) Once you have found the speaker, you will need to get access to it. The door speakers are hidden behind the door card and the rear ones are fitted behind grills. Either way you will need to remove the four screws that are holding it in place using a screwdriver.

3) Disconnect the two speaker wires that are connected to the back the magnet.

4) Now you need to dry out the speaker cone. This can be done by using a hair dryer for 5 minutes to unfreeze the speaker. You could also use a heat gun to do the job a bit quicker.

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