How To Stop 6X9 Speakers Crackling

6x9 speakers can be fitted into the rear parcel shelf to add more bass in your car. If you can hear a crackle sound frequently coming from your 6x9 car speakers it could be related to many things. It can be anything from the wiring itself to the dirt in the speakers. Worst case scenario, the voice coil could be damaged from overuse or distortion. But before you come to that conclusion, its best for you to look into the following troubleshooting steps that are provided in this guide. They are used by our trained professionals at the car audio shop on a daily basis, so yes you will find them useful and help towards fixing this problem. If there are any questions please drop us a comment below and we will get back to in regards to what we can advise you further.

1) Check that all the speaker wire connections are secure. If they are touching each other or loose at the back of the speaker or the wiring harness it can cause crackling. Best way is to take each speaker out, check them individually and also remove the stereo from the din slot.

2) The bass might be too much. If you are powering them from a headunit chances are that is clipping due to having power limitations. We would suggest that you turn the bass down and then try again at high volumes to see if you still experience the problems.

If you are using an external amp:

1) The gain might be setup too high. This controls the RCA voltage that comes supplied from the car stereo. Turn this slightly down to see if it can help stop the crackling produced by the 6x9 speaker.

2) Bad RCA cables. They could be poorly shielded or in fact be running to close the power wire. If any of these two are apparent, it can cause interference that will get transferred into the signal that is feeded into your car amp.

If none of the above work then you might need to clean the cone. This is because dust and dirt can sometimes getting trapped inside the cone in the middle were the tweeter is placed. This can cause crackling because when the cone vibrates the stuff inside the cone can create noises.

How To clean your 6x9 speakers:

1) Attach a small plastic nozzle onto a vacuum cleaner.

2) Place the machine on the lowest suction power setting.

3) Point the nozzle towards the middle area and the edges around the rubber surround.

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