How To Connect a Computer Fan To a Car Amp For Maximum Cooling

If your car amplifier is overheating in the summer due to hard use, then you might consider adding a computer cooling to your powerful amp. This will reduce the temperatures and will prevent it going into protect mode. The best way to mount a cooling fan is directly onto the metal heatsink of the amp, as it will blow direct air keeping the mosfet transistors nice and cool. You can install multiple fans if you want to get the amp running super cool. This is especially recommended when you are bridging the channels on it lower than the ohm load impedance the manufacturer has rated it at. Any regular type of fan that runs on 12 volts from a computer would do. The best fan size are the 120mm ones because they have bigger blades that allow more air to be moved, they also tend to run more quietly because of this reason. Two brands that you should go for are Coolermaster and Corsair Air, as they provide the best quality fans that are almost near to silent when working. You can even get some with built in blue LED to light up your trunk in the night which looks cool as well. 

Now if you are wanting to make the cooling fan power off with your car amp, the best way is to connect it via the blue remote wire coming from the headunit. You could connect a relay and some switches if you want something fancy, but if you want a basic setup that will get the job done then this method will work. Today you will learn how to make your own car amp cooling kit with just a regular cheap computer fan that you can salvage from an old desktop PC.

1) Mount your fan onto the metal heatsink of the amp using double side tape. You don't want to cut holes or screw them in because that way the value of the amp will go down when you remove them. Since some people prefer the originality of a product and therefore would pay less for something that has been modified in any shape or form.

2) Now you need to connect the computer fan to the car amp. Most will have two wires one red and the other black. Remove the positive wire from the amp and twist the red wire from the fan and reinsert it back into the 12 volt terminal.

3) Connect the other remaining black wire from the fan twisting it with the ground wire from the amp. This configuration of wiring will tell it to automatically power on straightaway when it gets the power signal sent down from the CD Player in the front.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, i have an amplifier set up in my car, all i need to add was a cooling fan which i did by connecting the negative wire of the fan to the negative terminal of the amplifier and the positive wire of the fan to the blue remote terminal of the amplifier. Whenever i turn on my car the fan starts running without the head unit even turned on. I tried turning on and off the head unit to see if it would somehow turn off the fan connected to the amplifier but nothing. Any idea what seems to be the issue ?
