How To Bypass HandBreak Wire On Pioneer In Car DVD Stereo

If you have installed a Pioneer in car DVD stereo into your vehicle, you might need to bypass the handbreak wire if it fails to view any video content when the parking break is not up. Now bypassing the handbreak wire on your Pioneer car stereo is essential only if you are fully aware of driving on the road. Once you have performed the small modification to the wiring, you will then be able to play movies or music videos for your passengers to keep them entertained on long journeys. 

1) Turn off the power to the car stereo.

2) Access the wiring harness found at the rear of the headunit.

3) Find the parking e break wire on the back of the bunch of wires, usually its a very long wire that is a light blue color and connect it directly with the black grounding wire. This will bypass it because the stereo will think that the handbreak is always up.

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