Its essential that you test all brand and used power car stereo audio power capacitors. This is because even though they might look well from the outside internally it could be damaged This can occur if you install it incorrectly by not charging it up or its be stood up for so long in damp conditions. Now one point to make clear is a fully working power cap will make a slight difference in making your cars electrical system more stronger. Some say that they are a waste of money that could be because they might have a faulty power cap, which is why its important to test it before you install it.
1) Remove the power cap from the vehicle wiring after just using it.
2) Get a multimeter, attach the probes onto the terminals and measure the voltage. You should get a nice high reading of around 12 volts or more.
3) Check back in 10 minutes reading the voltage for the second time again. If you notice its dropped slightly, then you can come to a conclusion that the power cap is faulty as its not storing sufficient charge. So you might want to consider replacing it with a new one.