How To Properly Discharge a Car Audio Capacitor

 As well as charging your car audio capacitor for the first time, when removing it you will also need to discharge it. If you remove it without discharging it, the current will still be stored inside and can be damaged. There are many different ways that people have used to properly discharge a car audio capacitor. Most car audio shops use a test light bulb as its the most convenient way. Basically its a small 12 volt bulb with two wires on each ends of it, something you can make this yourself at home.

1) Turn off the cars ignition so there is no power going into the circuit of the amp wiring kit.

2) Get your test light bulb and hold a wire onto the positive and the other remaining wire onto the negative terminals of the power cap. 

3) You will notice that the brightness of the bulb will go from very bright to almost dull, when the light goes out completely you have successfully discharged your car audio capacitor. Its now safe to remove it from the car.

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