How To Make Car Stereo Removal Tools

din tools for ford car radio

If you need to remove your car stereo from the din slot it would make it easier if you have din removal tools. These are used by car audio installers to release the clips that hold in the car stereo into the metal cage. You can then slide out the car headunit and unplug the wiring harness from the back of it. If you don't have din tools right now available, you can make your own removal tools at home using an old metal coat hanger. You can also make it out of some metal wire or out of anything scrap really you have laying around your junkyard. 

car stereo din slot

1) Use wire cutters to snap two metal wires out of the bottom of the coat hanger measuring them at a length of 6 inches each.

2) Currently the two pieces of metal wire will be in a straight shape, using your thumb create a bend in the middle of the wire. They should look something like a U shape now.

3) Thats all there is to making your car stereo removal tools. All you got to do is insert them into your Ford factory car radio stereo to remove it from the dashboard.

Once you have made the car stereo removal tools at home, be sure to keep them in a safe and easily remember able place because there will be a point where you will need then but you can't find them.

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