How To Make Your Own Flared PVC Aero Port For a Car Subwoofer Enclosure

A plastic PVC aero port tube can be fitted into your car subwoofer enclosure to tune it to perform its best at a certain frequency. Sometimes this can bring port noise which technically can be avoided with curved slot port designs internally inside the box. The best way to overcome this with a aero plastic port design is to flare the tube ends, so that the air will rush out smoothly. If you purchased a flared port from a car audio shop it will be far more expensive than a standard port. You can flare the aero port ends yourself using a heat gun at home. How it works is you basically place the port onto a object such as a bowel and the heat will make the plastic adapt to the shape making it flared in a certain way. It sounds hard at first, but once you have done your first one, the rest will become really easy to make.

1) Cut the plastic pipe down the correct length as according to an online aero flared port calculator software.

2) To smooth down the cut end, you can sand it down with rough sandpaper to make the edges less sharp to work with.

3) Turn on your heatgun and heat up the side you want to flare for about 15 seconds.

4) Flip it over and place the heated side onto the bowl and again heat up the area for 15 seconds at the bottom.

5) Twist and turn the port onto the bowel stopping until you have achieved your flared shape. 

6) Once you have flared the port, switch off the heat gun tool and allow the port to cool down for at least 1 minutes. While its doing so, it will form the shape of the bowl permanently making the PVC aero port flared just like a car audio shop professional.

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