How To Make a Car Subwoofer Into a Home Subwoofer

How To Make a Car Subwoofer Into a Home Subwoofer

Now if you want to hear the extra boom and impact from your home cinema, then what you can do is connect an external subwoofer. Now a subwoofer is a type of speaker that has a large cone area and the reason why this is because it needs to create lots of air to create low bass.

How To Make a Car Subwoofer Into a Home Subwoofer 3

Car Subwoofer VS Home Subwoofer? Now a car subwoofer is slightly differently tuned and gives a kind of different sound. Now home subwoofers are meant to be tuned really low, they come out and shine around 25 HZ, however car subwoofers are tuned usually higher in the 35 HZ region for music. So the sound signature of a home theatre subwoofer will be alot of deeper and lower, compared to a car subwoofer that will be boomy and loud. 

Now inorder to make your car subwoofer into a home subwoofer, you will need a 12 volt DC power supply unit. This can be extracted from a old computer power supply which will be used to power on the car amp. Then you can use the line out from your amplifier so that the sound can be provided to it.

How To Make a Car Subwoofer Into a Home Subwoofer 2
Its easy to hook up and convert a car subwoofer to a home subwoofer.

1) You will need to connect the car amplifier to the power supply.

You will need to do the following:

Cut off all the yellow and black wires and pair them up. Connect all the yellow ones to the positive red wire and the black wire to the ground wire on the car amp.

Connect the green wire with the black wire found on the block connector. This will fool it to turn on itself as soon you hit the plug.

2) So now that you have hooked up the power inorder for the car amp to turn on, you will need a jumper a wire between the remote and 12 volt terminals.

3) All you need to do now is connect your RCA cables from the AV receiver and connect speaker wire to the subwoofer terminal cup to the amp.

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