How To Fix Two CDS Stuck In Car CD Player

If you have accidentally inserted two CDs in your car CD Player both at the same time, chances are that they are stuck and you can't eject them out. Sometimes discs can stick together if you have kept them under sunlight for some time in your vehicle. This makes it sometimes hard to tell that you are inserting two discs and instead thinking that you have one disc. Either way you have probably come on this website to see what you can do about getting a stuck CD out from your car stereo. Now the best way to overcome this car stereo problem is to taking apart the top panel and get full access to the drive. Now you can try poking and prodding a flat object into the disc slot to try getting it out but its hard to remove it this way and usually fails to resolve the problem.

We have had a few headunits come into the shop that have had CDs stuck in them that customers no longer want and traded them in for something a bit better. What our electrical technicians do is repair them and resell them. These are the instructions to help you disassemble your car stereo, generally what brand it is doesn't really matter they are all built in the same way.

1) Turn off the power to the radio.

2) You might require special din tools to remove the stereo from the cars slot.

3) Disconnect all the wires plugged into the back of it.

4) Now that you have the headunit to yourself, locate all the possible screws that hold the top metal cover in place.

5) Get a small sized screwdriver, presumably a Philips head and remove all the screws.

6) The top silver metal part of the car stereo will come apart from the bottom half.

7) Now to get into the disc drive, usually there is another cover inside that houses the spindle and the laser lens that reads the disc. You will find four really small screws in each corner of the plastic cover from the drive mechanism. Unscrews all the screws and lift the cover off.

8) Now you have full access to the components associated to the disc slot, you can remove the two stuck CD discs from the player. Once you have done that follow the same process in reverse order to build you radio back up.
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